Moving to Bali? Here’s Your Ultimate Long-Term Stay Checklist

Moving Abroad? Here's Your Ultimate Long-Term Stay Checklist

Moving abroad is an exciting prospect, and Bali is a popular destination for those seeking adventure and a change of scenery. If you’re thinking of living in Bali long-term, there are several important things to consider before you make the move. From visa requirements to language skills, healthcare, and finances, preparing for a long-term stay abroad can be overwhelming. In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive checklist to ensure that your transition to Bali is as smooth and stress-free as possible. Whether you’re moving to Bali for work, study, or simply for a change of pace, following these guidelines will help you make the most of your time on this beautiful island.

Visa Requirements

Before you leave for your long-term stay, make sure you have the proper visa and work permits if necessary. Depending on your destination and the purpose of your trip, you may need to apply for a specific type of visa or meet certain requirements. Don’t wait until the last minute to take care of this important detail.



Finding a place to stay is crucial when you’re living abroad long term. Depending on your budget and preferences, you may want to consider renting an apartment or house, or even looking into a house-sitting or homestay option. Do your research ahead of time and book accommodations in advance to avoid any last-minute stress.

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Language Skills

Even if you’re moving to Bali where English is widely spoken, it’s always helpful to know some basic phrases in the local language. Consider taking Bahasa Indonesia language classes before you go, or download a language-learning app to help you get started. Being able to communicate with locals can help you navigate daily life more easily and make new friends.


Make sure you have adequate health insurance coverage for your time abroad. Research the local healthcare system and find out what your insurance will cover. It’s also a good idea to get any necessary vaccinations before you leave.


Managing your finances is an important aspect of any long-term stay abroad. Make sure you have a plan for accessing money and paying bills while you’re away. You may also want to consider opening a local bank account to make transactions easier.


Consider how you’ll get around in your new home country. Will you need a car, or will public transportation be sufficient? If you plan to drive, make sure you have a valid driver’s license and familiarize yourself with local traffic laws.

Culture Shock

Moving to a new country can be a culture shock, even if you’ve visited before. Be prepared for some adjustment time and try to keep an open mind. Learn about local customs and traditions, and try to immerse yourself in the culture as much as possible.

Learn the Local Language

It’s always a good idea to learn some basic phrases in the local language of the country you’ll be staying in. This will not only help you communicate with locals but also make you feel more comfortable in your new surroundings.

Get Familiar with Local Customs and Culture

Get Familiar with Local Customs and Culture

Different countries have different customs and cultural practices, so it’s important to do some research and learn about them before you arrive. This will help you avoid any cultural faux pas and make a good impression on locals.

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Get Your Finances in Order

Before you leave, make sure you have a solid plan for your finances while you’re abroad. This includes figuring out how you’ll access your money, setting a budget, and making sure you have enough savings to cover unexpected expenses. You may also want to consider getting a local bank account and setting up automatic bill payments if you’ll be staying for an extended period.

Preparing for a long-term stay abroad can be a daunting task, but with a little planning and research, it can be a smooth and exciting experience. Make sure you take care of important details like visa requirements, accommodation, language skills, healthcare, finances, transportation, and culture shock before you go, and you’ll be well on your way to enjoying your new home away from home.