How To make Your Road Trip More Budget-Friendly

How To make Your Road Trip More Budget-Friendly

Road trip can be considered one of the most affordable vacation especially if you have your own car. Also, the cost of airfare is getting higher each year, making it less affordable to some travelers. A road trip can be budget-friendly but it also depends on the price of the gas and how many hotels stays you will have. It might going out of your budget if you don’t plan it well. Hence, proper planning is needed to allow you experience fun road trip on  budget. And here are useful tricks you can use to save money on road trip:

Always check your vehicle prior the trip

Road trip will put a strain on your vehicle so you should have it checked prior the trip. Change the oil, and inspect your vehicle for potential issues before hitting the road. Otherwise, it is highly possible for problems to happen on your vehicle while on the road. You might also have to pay extra for the towing fees if your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. 

Pack your own snacks

It may seem easy to just pick some snacks at the rest stops. However, the price is usually much higher. Spending money on snacks at every every fueling stop will only eat into your budget. It is more cost-efficient buy them at big box retailer before you roll out. 

Make your own foods to pack for the trip

Make your own foods to pack for the trip

Stopping at fast food chains for three meals a day will only drain your wallet. Hence, it is more recommended that you prepare your own meals by buying fresh produces from grocery store. You can stock up on fruits, cold cuts, and some no-mess meals. 

Consider camp for free

If you are really on tight budget that you don’t booking a room in hotel is an option, you may consider camping. However, it is important to choose safe place to spend the night. It is recommended to find places on federal land where you can score free, or low-cost accommodation. There are public lands with free camping sites you can find the information online. 

Find gas stops with cheaper price

Your road trips budget very depends on the gas you pay for. Get the most out of your miles and buy cheaper gas. You can scout and find cheapest gas using application you can download with your phone such as GasBuddy. This app helps you compare prices no matter where you are. 

Follow traffic laws and regulations

Just because you are on a road trip doesn’t mean you become invincible to law. Getting a ticket or a traffic citation will only ruin your day especially during a road trip. It is costly and you don’t want to spend any penny on that it if you can avoid it instead. Get your car inspected prior the trip, have your insurance and tag up to date, and always monitor local traffic laws  and regulations to prevent you from getting a ticket because of the law you were not aware of.