Things to Consider When Planning An Ancestry Travel

Things to Consider When Planning An Ancestry Travel

Ancestry travel has become a hot trend right now with sudden increase of people who are interested to try it for their travel plan. One of the biggest motivation probably comes from DNA analysis and genealogical research tools which make us have better idea of where we come from exactly. Travelling to those places we believe are where our ancestors were can be a unique experience. 

What to consider for planning ancestry travel

Ancestry travel might sound indelible and meaningful but you need to do it with a plan. There are some things you need to keep in mind when planning this kind of travel, such as:

Budget and location

A global trip to explore your root might sound so amazing. However, you may have to stick to particular budget to be able to do so. You your ancestry search may take you around the world. And if have limited budget and time, you may have to choose wisely which place to visit. It is recommended to choose the top countries on your DNA profile and one that is closer and less expensive for your first ancestry trip. 

Make necessary preparation

Make necessary preparation

It is a must to be prepared especially if you plan to visit different places. Get your important documents ready and check their expiry dates. Have all the essentials on your fingertips so you can connect the dots easily once you reach your destination. With the essentials including photos of your ancestors and family tree can give you context to back up the knowledge. 

Reach out to your relatives

One of the perks of most major online ancestry sites is you are able to reach out to relatives you never knew you had. You may have people with matched DNA listed along with the information about your common ancestors and how you are related. They may live in the areas you are planning to visit so you can schedule a coffee or lunch. 

Map out your time accordingly

Your ancestry trip is yours so create a schedule or itinerary that you get to enjoy. You may enjoy to be less specific in visiting the places as long as you get to feel for your ancestor’s homeland. Or, you may also want to be more specific by visiting particular spots of where your ancestors once lived. If you prefer the latter, make sure that you have enough time to do all the visiting and consider various aspect such as budget, time, and energy. 

Manage your expectation

You must know that sometimes you don’t get what you want in life. Hence, don’t expect for a perfect ancestry trip where you get to solve your family mysteries altogether. It isn’t a typical genealogy experience so it is possible for you to meet dead-ends when tracing your ancestry. Instead of focusing on ancestry issues, might as well enjoy the trip to the fullest. The trip can be a life-changing experience for you even if you cannot track down all information about your family’s ancestry.